A flexible approach

To performance path for new construction - receive a computer energy model of your home to prove the design meets energy efficiency standards required by municipalities to obtain building permits.


The process is simple.


Required documents:

➤ Full set of blueprints

➤ Plot plan

➤ Window schedule

➤ Mechanics

➤ Tall wall engineering (if app.)



The National Energy Code of Canada offers three compliance paths

Performance - EnerGuide - Prescriptive

We recommend Performance Path for the flexibility, effectiveness, and cost savings!

All about performance path

Our 9.36 energy code compliance service follows the performance path regulations. This approach offers the most design flexibility. It’s simple, show that the proposed design will not consume more energy than an equivalent building built to the prescriptive requirements of the code. Performance path offers homebuilders and developers an approach that can reduce project costs while allowing composition creativity that best suits your clients.

Not sure where to start? Connect with our experts today.